ssh -i "id_key.pem" ubuntu@ cd /etc/ssh/ nano ssh_config ///uncomment - PasswordAuthentication yes cd sshd_config.d ls nano 60-cloudimg-settings.conf ///PasswordAuthentication yes passwd ubuntu systemctl restart ssh make a .ssh folder, if it does not exist
(In my local terminal) ssh-keygen -t rsa scp /home/tantra/.ssh/ ubuntu@ if .ssh folder does not exist on server, make one by mkdir .ssh ssh ubuntu@ ///automatically connects, no need for password.
(lekin ye ek baar hi kaam krega, local terminal close krne pr sb khtm) alias connect="ssh ubuntu@" ///when you type connect in terminal, it will perform ssh NOTE: alias connect="ssh raju@" ///this will REWRITE the alias
cd /home/tantra (home dir) ls -a ///.bashrc file nano .bashrc /// edit in last line, alias cc="clear" alias connect="ssh ubuntu@" OR ALSO: alias"ssh" ctrl+x y enter (save it) source .bashrc ///reload all changes ///Enter. That's it!
sudo -i hostnamectl set-hostname NEWNAME ///exit and login again hostname ///check hostname
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